
Current resume (2023), including education, coursework, skills, experience, awards and groups.

Duke University Transcript
Duke University Transcript

Course list and outcome for degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (Duke University 2015-2019).

Developing an Automated Trading API
Developing an Automated Trading API

This project centers on the development of an Application Programming Interface for the automated trading of positions in the stock market. An external strategy component is used to generate a map of trading instructions, which serves as input for the API. The Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation is then used to submit the corresponding requests. The final product is capable of queuing jobs, placing orders, and requesting market data. It utilizes extensive error handling, resulting in a robust and effective application.

Automatic Speech Recognition Using the Kaldi Toolkit (Presentation)
Automatic Speech Recognition Using the Kaldi Toolkit (Presentation)

This project explores the current technology available for Automatic Speech Recognition, the process of converting speech from a recorded audio signal to text. In particular, I explore the Kaldi Speech Recognition Toolkit, written in C++ and licensed under the Apache License v2.0, developed for use by speech recognition researchers.

Automatic Speech Recognition Using the Kaldi Toolkit (Paper)
Automatic Speech Recognition Using the Kaldi Toolkit (Paper)

In this paper, I explore the Kaldi Toolkit for Speech Recognition and its flexibility for extension with custom datasets.

Marvin Systems Speech Processing (Paper)
Marvin Systems Speech Processing (Paper)

In this paper, I explore a unique system for speech processing and recognition, that is efficient, lightweight and accurate. This platform was developed for use in Marvin Systems.

Bohórquez Laboratory FED Documentation
Bohórquez Laboratory FED Documentation

The Food Experimentation Device (FED) is an Arduino-based system designed for the
precision feeding of mice. This documentation follows the version adapted for the Bohórquez Laboratory in 2016.